Hi. It’s Speck again.
I just wanted to let you know that it’s Dental Health Month here at Laguna Hills Animal Hospital!
We’re pretty excited about it because it gives our Doctors and Technicians a chance to “clean up” a lot of icky mouths out there.
We also have special discounts on Dental Cleanings throughout the month of February!
We offer 15% off all Anesthetic Dental Cleanings, 10% off of all Non-Anesthetic Dental Cleanings and even 10% off of all Dental Products and Diets from our Pet Store!
I hear our Doctors talk to our Clients all the time about their pet’s dental hygiene and how it’s super important to take good care of your mouth. Infected teeth and gums can cause serious damage to your heart and other internal organs.
A dental Cleaning can make a HUGE difference!
Before a Dental Cleaning... |
And after! |
Bad teeth also cause a bunch of other problems. Like pain when eating, being really uncomfortable, not being able to play with toys and having really bad breath.
It’s easy to tell if you might have trouble with your teeth: swollen and bleeding gums, discolored teeth, change in eating habits and even rubbing or pawing at your mouth are sure signs.
The good news is that our Doctors and Technicians can fix all of that! Not only is dental cleaning safe, but even if you need anesthetics or extractions, you can go home the same day!
Simon is getting a Non Anesthetic Dental Cleaning! |
I’ve seen a lot of uncomfortable Dogs and Cats, who have come into the Hospital feeling really awful, go home feeling great because of a dental cleaning!
We are here to help you feel better. So, if you think you may need your teeth cleaned, please tell “Mom” or “Dad” to give us a call today!
Speck the Blogging Dog © Chrissie Ratliff 2013-2017 all rights reserved
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